Thursday, 20 February 2014

Mweraba- Goodbye and Good Luck

To the Global Links February 2014 cohort, I have learnt a lot from you all. Such fantastic people, I will miss you all a great deal.   Unfortunately Sarah you are stuck with me for 6 months! To the East (side) Africa lot, hopefully see you in Mombasa soon. In the meantime there is always Skype, Twitter, FaceTime  Facebook, Bbm and good old fashion phones

Goodbye and good luck y'all, Cheerio, Khaweri, Mweraba, Oda bo, We go si bak, Mah Krow


  1. Good luck Yetunde xxx we look forward to hearing more from you and also about the adventures in the pearl of Africa

  2. Thanks Chika, I'm here safe and sound
